Sunday, August 19, 2012

Here We Go

I told myself when I started this blog I would do at least one entry a day. HA! Haven't really found time to Facebook let alone blog. Hi. My name is Stacy and I am addicted to Facebook. The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?! Anyhoo- been super busy with work. After my week vacation, I was scheduled 6 days straight. Blah. Definitely takes its toll. I've been exhausted as of late...can't wait for my one day off...I will be able to catch up on laundry. :|

A few things have been happening, a very important one; My plan to move to Washington to be closer to my older sister has been, for now, foiled by the soon-to-be ex husband aka King Douche. Even though he has known since Oct. 31, 2011 that the kids and I were moving across country, he waits until we are packing up the house to object to it and involve his lawyer. Yay. So now, I must petition the court to see if I will be "allowed" to move out of Florida. Needless to say, this bitch isn't happy. See, my lawyer was going to include our relocation in the divorce settlement saving me time and money and well...

Lil background: I filed for divorce mid-Feb '12 when I received my income tax. He hired a lawyer a couple weeks later. This damn thing has been drawn out now for so long, my lawyer said he was out of money and needed more to continue to represent the tune of 2 grand more...which he knew I did not have. So now, after $3,000 down the drain, I have nothing to show for as far as the divorce goes. We never made it to mediation (due to non-payment by the other party), never went before a judge for child support, custody, NOTHING. I am frustrated and at my wits end. He continues to have counsel, continues to be cocky and I feel as if I am at his mercy.

Frustrating thing? King Douche doesn't even live in the same state as the kids and I. When we separated, he tucked tail and ran back to Arkansas. He knows I loathe living here, he knows the job opportunities in this area are really bad as well as educational opportunities for the kids as they are moving up in school. Yet, he is going to try his best to make us stay here. He doesn't see the kids often; a week at Spring Break, his time in the summer and last Christmas, he came to visit them for 2 and a half days.

All this stress of the divorce...makes me want to scream, cry and beat the shit out of something all at the same time.

I now have to re-enroll the kids in school & they aren't too happy. They were excited about moving, they ARE excited about it. They have even given our move the name, Operation Phoenix, as in the bird from Harry Potter that rises from it's ashes. Quite a fitting name for it as well; we will be starting over & getting a new start at life. As we started packing up their rooms, they were beside themselves with excitement. And now, we must jump through rings of fire to be able to do so, unsure on how long it will take.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Who are you?

So what to blog about as my first entry....hmmm....I guess I'll say that I had a previous blog (shhh...don't tell the kids I'm here) but with all things in a divorce, don't feel comfortable using it anymore. And so this new blog is born.
O.K. I suppose I should do a little intro to get warmed up, huh? Hello again, blogging world! I'm Stacy, soon to be 29 and holding for yet another year. I am the mother to 4 kickass kiddos; The Boy Wonder, 13, The Wonder Twins aka Thing 1 & Thing 2 aka The Princess & The Marine, 12, and last but certainly not least, The Diva, who is 7. They are my heartbeats, my entire world. Being a mom is the greatest gift I have ever been given.

I am a full-time-working-going-to-school mama trying to balance everything at once and handle any curve balls that life decides to throw my way. I drink, smoke and cuss like a sailor. Don't judge me. I am very sarcastic and biting my tongue hurts. I've discovered over this last year of my separation that I love to laugh and have fun with my friends. Who knew that would bring me such happiness?! Getting out of "mom mode" as my friends called it, was hard at first but now it's like I can just flip a switch and I'm good to go....kinda like the switch we moms have when the kids are nagging us with the hundredth "Mom. Mama. Mommy." That is also where my screen name that I use on everything stems from, 'sometimestacy'. I'm always 'Mommy' and only sometimes get to be 'Stacy.' I am finding myself all over again in my new life as a single mom.

Currently going through a divorce after 14 years of marriage. No, don't feel bad for me. It has been the VERY best thing for not only myself but for my children. TRUST. My heart does hurt for my babies though. As a child of divorce, I know all too well the hurt, confusion, frustration and anger they are feeling. And it sucks. However, we all see that it is for the best, there was just no other way for the home to be healthy.

This blog will be filled with my random ramblings on everything from kids to divorce to relationships to kids to myself to work, school and well, life as a single's not for sissies. As the title of my blog says, It's tough on the streets.